• Empowering Change

    Our Social and Community
    Engagement Initiatives

Social & Community Engagement

At KENSTRA, we believe that being a successful business also means being a responsible and caring member of the society. We are passionate about giving back to the community and making a positive difference in the lives of others. We are the change we want to see in the world. In giving we receive.

One of our initiatives is to partner with Wyndham City Council to obtain a grant for collecting, erasing, and repairing devices that can be donated to those in need. This reflects our commitment to bridging the digital divide, creating a more inclusive community and ensuring that everyone has access to essential technology. We are proud to support this cause and help people connect, learn, and grow.

We have also led the way in bringing our customers and the community together in workplace and breach clean ups and helping to reduce e waste.

Don’t Waste It, Donate It!

We believe that sustainable practices, can help to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. We ran a successful e-waste initiative focused on the reuse of devices and donations to those less fortunate.
We aimed: to grow Social inclusion; Reduce the Digital Exclusion Gap & Fight E-waste.

Social Responsibility

KENSTRA takes social responsibility seriously because we believe that all companies have a duty to contribute positively to the well-being of the communities and environments in which they operate, fostering long-term sustainability and creating a more equitable and thriving society for all.

Real Stories of Success
and Inspiration

At Cultura, our ultimate objective in the Humanitarian Settlement Program is to gradually render ourselves out of a job. Thanks to the invaluable collaboration between Kenstra and Telstra, we have been able to equip newly arrived refugee families with iPhones or laptops, which have proven to be instrumental in facilitating their integration into society. These devices have not only enabled them to effectively communicate and bridge language gaps, but also allowed them to effortlessly handle financial transactions, such as banking and bill payments. The integration of technology into their lives has significantly accelerated their journey towards independence. Undoubtedly, English language proficiency is paramount for securing employment and ensuring self-sufficiency. For those who are unable to attend language classes, these laptops have served as invaluable tools in helping them overcome language barriers and enhance their language skills.

Jen Bond. Cultra
Manager Humanitarian Settlement Program

Corporate Beach Cleanup

Eastern Beach - Geelong 2022

KENSTRA takes social responsibility seriously because we believe that all companies have a duty to contribute positively to the well-being of the communities and environments in which they operate, fostering long-term sustainability and creating a more equitable and thriving society for all.

Kenstra Cleanup
Data Day

West Footscray & Geelong
Physical & Data Cleanup 2024

It was a day we dedicated to clean up not only our physical environment but to clean up our digital lives. We aimed at raising awareness about digital pollution, encouraging our team members to declutter unnecessary items and data.

Recycle 4 Change Partners

KENSTRA proudly collaborates with Fruit to Work to champion their initiative, Recycle4Change. This project creates employment opportunities for disengaged youth and women impacted by the justice system. By participating, we contribute to waste reduction, and for each eligible bottle collected under Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS), a 10-cent refund fee will be donated to Recycle4Change.


Geelong Racing Club - 2024

At KENSTRA, we value connection and community. We recognize the incredible dedication of Lifeline’s 24/7 crisis supporters who ensure the safety of those seeking help. Our CEO, Craig Kennedy, is joining the Dash alongside other business leaders, lacing up his runners to raise funds for Lifeline Geelong. Follow the link to make your donation—each contribution enables more calls to be answered, potentially saving lives.